Educators should be
designers of rich learning experiences. It is important to
have skills in order to assess your own learning activities and it is equally
important to be able to use a common language with colleagues about learning
activities. Creating learning activities requires careful thought about the
skills you want learners to gain. Educators should, as often as possible,
scaffold 21st century skills within learning activities. The following learning dimensions were identified by ITL Research conducted by SRI and sponsored by Microsoft Partners in Learning.
6 dimensions of
learning activities
To learn more about each learning dimension and view the rubric, click on each dimension.
To learn more about each learning dimension and view the rubric, click on each dimension.
The learning activity’s main
requirement IS knowledge construction AND the learning activity DOES
require students to apply their knowledge in a
new context AND the knowledge construction IS interdisciplinary. The activity DOES have learning goals in more
than one subject.
DO have shared responsibility AND they DO
make substantive decisions together about
the content, process, or product of their work AND their work is interdependent.
Use of ICT
for Learning
Students use ICT to support knowledge construction AND
the ICT is required for constructing this
knowledge AND students do create an ICT
product for authentic users.
Real World
Problem Solving and Innovation
learning activity’s main requirement IS problem-solving
AND the problem IS a real-world problem
AND students DO innovate. They ARE
required to implement their ideas in the real world.
learning activity IS long-term AND
students DO have learning goals and associated
success criteria in advance of completing their work AND students DO
have the opportunity to plan their own work AND
students DO have the opportunity to revise their
work based on feedback.
ARE required to produce extended communication
or multi-modal communication AND their
work IS required to provide supporting evidence
AND they are required to craft their
communication for a particular audience.